Developing the habit of scientific temper rather than mere bookish learning, traditional lecture or laboratory courses among the students is extremely necessary in today’s education. We are committed to inculcating scientific knowledge among the student community from early stage of learning. Such preparatory stage will go a long way in training potential students for future research or doctoral programs. Research work in the form of field survey and exposure will validate and enhance the knowledge of the students and teachers. In view of this, a Research Committee of Rayburn College has been established.

The committee encourages, not the students alone, the teachers too to engage in research. It emphasizes the importance of involving the teaching faculties in research activities in relation to their respective areas of studies or interest on the one hand and pertaining to contemporary issues, on the other hand. To this, it aims to organize seminars, conference of college, national or international level and also proposes to take up research projects from various sources. The research committee of the college has now been rechristened to ‘Rayburn College Research and Development Cell’ (RCRDC) as per the UGC Guidelines of 2022.

Events & Activities


Advisor Council : Rev. Dr. Khen P. Tombing, Principal

Convenor : Dr. S. Thangboi Zou, HOD, Geography


1. Dr. Kh. Thianminlian Vaiphei, Vice Principal
2. Dr. John Mangmuanlian Zou, Assistant Professor, Commerce
3. S. Muansangluai Ngaihte, Librarian

1. Dr. Nehkhomang Haokip, HOD, Political Science
2. Dr. Marina Laltlinzo Infimate, Assistant Professor English
3. Dr. Siambiakmawi, HOD, English

1. Dr. Ginneihching Simte, Assistant Professor,History
2. Dr. Paolenthang Khongsai Asst. Professor, Political Science
3. Dr. Dorothy Lalneizo, HOD, Sociology

1. Dr. Siamkhanthang Neihsial, IQAC Coordinator
2. Dr. S. Thangboi Zou, HOD, Geography

1. Dr. Langthianmung Vualzong Asst. Professor, Pol.Science
2. Mercy Chingnunhoih, HOD, Psychology